Refereed Journal Papers
Rui Wang, Rundong Zhao, Emily Ribando-Gros, Jiahui Chen, Yiying Tong, Guo-Wei Wei
HERMES: Persistent spectral graph software"
Foundations of Data Science, 2021, 3 (1)
R Zhao, M Wang, J Chen, Y Tong, GW Wei
The de Rham-Hodge Analysis and Modeling of Biomolecules"
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 82 (8), 1-38, 2020
Max Budninskiy, Ameera Abdelaziz, Yiying Tong, and Mathieu Desbrun
" Laplacian-Optimized Diffusion for Semi-Supervised Learning "
Computer Aided Geometric Design (special issue on Geometric Modeling and Processing), 2020. |
Rundong Zhao, Mathieu Desbrun, Guo-Wei Wei, and Yiying Tong
" 3D Hodge decompositions of edge-and face-based vector fields "
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 38 (6), 1-13, 2019. |
S Liu, H Cheng, Y Tong
Physically-based statistical simulation of rain sound"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 38 (4), 1-14, 2019
M Budninskiy, G Yin, L Feng, Y Tong, M Desbrun
Parallel Transport Unfolding: A Connection-Based Manifold Learning Approach"
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 3 (2), 266-291, 2019
R Zhao, Z Cang, Y Tong, GW Wei
" Protein pocket detection via convex hull surface evolution and associated Reeb graph
Bioinformatics 34 (17), i830-i837, 2018. |
Y Wang, B Liu, K Zhou, Y Tong
Vector field map representation for near conformal surface correspondence"
Computer Graphics Forum 37 (6), 72-83 4, 2018
X Fang, H Bao, Y Tong, M Desbrun, J Huang
Quadrangulation through Morse-parameterization hybridization"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 37 (4), 1-15, 2018
X Wang, S Liu, Y Tong
Stain formation on deforming inelastic cloth"
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (12), 3214-3224, 2018
R Zhao, M Wang, Y Tong, GW Wei
Divide-and-conquer strategy for large-scale Eulerian solvent excluded surface"
Communications in information and systems 18 (4), 299, 2018
M Budninskiy, B Liu, Y Tong, M Desbrun
Spectral Affine-Kernel Embeddings"
Computer Graphics Forum (SGP best paper) 36 (5), 117-129, 2017
B Liu, B Wang, R Zhao, Y Tong, GW Wei
ESES: Software for E ulerian solvent excluded surface"
Journal of Computational Chemistry 38 (7), 446-466, 2017
Joseph Roth, Yiying Tong, Xiaoming Liu
" Adaptive 3D Face Reconstruction from Unconstrained Photo Collections
IEEE TPAMI, Vol. 39, No. 11, Dec. 2016
B Liu, Y Tong, FD Goes, M Desbrun
"Discrete connection and covariant derivative for vector field analysis and design
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (3), 1-17, 2016
M Budninskiy, B Liu, Y Tong, M Desbrun
Power coordinates a geometric construction of barycentric coordinates on convex polytopes"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 35 (6), 1-11, 2016
M Budninskiy, B Liu, F De Goes, Y Tong, P Alliez, M Desbrun
Optimal voronoi tessellations with hessian-based anisotropy"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 35 (6), 1-12, 2016
J Li, D Dault, B Liu, Y Tong, B Shanker
Subdivision based isogeometric analysis technique for electric field integral equations for simply connected structures"
Journal of Computational Physics 319, 145-162, 2016
Y Zhang, Y Tong, K Zhou
Coloring 3D printed surfaces by thermoforming"
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (8), 1924-1935, 2016
B Liu, G Mason, J Hodgson, Y Tong, M Desbrun
"Model-reduced variational fluid simulation
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia) 34 (6), 1-12, 2015
Y Zhang, W Xu, Y Tong, K Zhou
Online structure analysis for real-time indoor scene reconstruction"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (5), 1-13, 2015
T Jiang, X Fang, J Huang, H Bao, Y Tong, M Desbrun
Frame field generation through metric customization"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (4), 1-11, 2015
K Xia, X Feng, Y Tong, GW Wei
Persistent homology for the quantitative prediction of fullerene stability"
Journal of computational chemistry 36 (6), 408-422 , 2015
F de Goes, B Liu, M Budninskiy, Y Tong, M Desbrun
Discrete 2-tensor fields on triangulations"
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (5), 13-24 28, 2014
J Huang, T Jiang, Z Shi, Y Tong, H Bao, M Desbrun
l1-Based Construction of Polycube Maps from Complex Shapes"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 33 (3), 1-11, 2014
S Liu, Y Xu, J Noh, Y Tong
Visual fluid animation via lifting wavelet transform"
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 25 (3-4), 473-483, 2014
K Xia, X Feng, Z Chen, Y Tong, GW Wei
Multiscale geometric modeling of macromolecules I: Cartesian representation"
Journal of Computational Physics 257, 912-936, 2014
T Jiang, J Huang, Y Wang, Y Tong, H Bao
Frame field singularity correctionfor automatic hexahedralization"
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 20 (8), 1189-1199, 2013
C Cao, Y Weng, S Zhou, Y Tong, K Zhou
Facewarehouse: A 3d facial expression database for visual computing"
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 20 (3), 413-425, 2013
Z Pan, J Huang, Y Tong, C Zheng, H Bao
Interactive localized liquid motion editing"
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 32 (6), 1-10, 2013
Y Weng, D Li, Y Tong
Texture mapping subdivision surfaces with hard constraints"
The Visual Computer 29 (11), 1231-1241, 2013
Y Weng, M Chai, W Xu, Y Tong, K Zhou
As-Rigid-As-Possible Distance Field Metamorphosis"
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (7), 381-389, 2013
X Feng, K Xia, Z Chen, Y Tong, GW Wei
Multiscale geometric modeling of macromolecules II: Lagrangian representation"
Journal of computational chemistry 34 (24), 2100-2120, 2013
BB Liu, YL Weng, JN Wang, YY Tong
Orientation field guided texture synthesis"
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 28 (5), 827-835, 2013
Xin Feng and Yiying Tong. "Choking loops on surfaces"
IEEE Trans. on Vis. and Comp. Graph., Aug 2013. |
Dongping Li, Xin Sun, Zhong Ren, Steve Lin, Yiying Tong, Baining Guo, Kun
Zhou. "TransCut: Interactive Rendering of Translucent Cutouts"
IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2013 |
Xin Feng, Yuanzhen Wang, Yanlin Weng, and Yiying Tong.
"Compact combinatorial maps: A
volume mesh data structure." Graph. Mod., May 2012 |
Xin Feng, Kelin Xia, Yiying Tong, and Guo-WeiWei.
"Geometric modeling of subcellular structures,
organelles, and multiprotein complexes" Int. J. for Num. Meth. in Biomed.
Eng., 2012.
Yuanzhen Wang, Beibei Liu, Yiying Tong
Surface Reconstruction from Discrete Fundamental Forms on Triangle Meshes" Computer Graphics Forum
, 2012
Zherong Pan, Jin Huang, Yiying Tong, and Hujun Bao. "Wake
synthesis for shallow water equation" Comp. Graph. Forum (Pacific Graphics),
Yizhong Zhang, Huamin Wang, Shuai Wang, Yiying Tong and Kun
Zhou. "A
Deformable Surface Model for Real-Time Water Drop Animation" TVCG,
2012 |
Jin Huang, Yiying Tong, Hongyu Wei and Hujun Bao.
"Boundary Aligned Smooth 3D Cross-Frame Field",
In ACM Trans. on Graph. (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2011 |
Huang, Yiying Tong, Kun Zhou, Hujun Bao, and Mathieu Desbrun.
"Interactive shape interpolation through controllable dynamic deformation." TVCG, 2011 |
Pavlov, P. Mullen, Y. Tong, E. Kanso, J. E. Marsden, and M. Desbrun.
Discretization of Incompressible Fluids".
Physcia D, 2011 |
Mullen, A. McKenzie, D. Pavlov, L. Durant, Y. Tong, E. Kanso, J. E. Marsden,
and M. Desbrun. "Discrete
Lie Advection of Differential Forms".
FoCM, 2011 |
Zhou, Weiwei Xu, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun. "Deformation
Transfer to Multi-Component Objects".
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics) , May 2010
Unsang Park and Yiying Tong and Anil K. Jain. "Age
Invariant Face Recognition". IEEE
TPAMI, 2010.
Patrick Mullen, Keenan Crane, Dmitry Pavlov, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun. "Energy-preserving Integrators for Fluid Animation". ACM Trans. on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH) , Aug 2009
Patrick Mullen, Yiying Tong, Pierre Alliez, Mathieu Desbrun. "Spectral Conformal Parameterization". In Computer Graphics Forum (Symposium of Geometry Processing) , Jul 2008
Shi, Kun Zhou, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Hujun Bao, and Baining Guo. "Example-Based
Dynamic Skinning in Real Time". In ACM Trans. on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH) , Aug 2008
Mullen, Alex McKenzie, Yiying Tong, and Mathieu Desbrun. "Eulerian Geometry
Processing of Surfaces and Foliations". In ACM Trans. on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH), Aug 2007.
Shi, Kun Zhou, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Hujun Bao, and Baining Guo. "Mesh Puppetry: Cascading
Optimization of Mesh Deformation with Inverse Kinematics". In ACM Trans. on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH) , Aug 2007
Zhou, Xin Huang, Xi Wang, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Baining Guo, and
Harry Shum. "Mesh Quilting For
Geometric Texture Synthesis". In ACM Trans. on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2006.
Wang, Weiwei, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, and Peter Schröder. "Edge Subdivision Schemes
and the Construction of Smooth Vector Fields". In ACM Trans. on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2006.
Zhou, Xi Wang, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun, Baining Guo, and H.-Y. Shum. "Texture-Montage:
Seamless Texturing of Surfaces From Multiple Images ". In ACM Trans. on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH), pages 1148-1155, Aug 2005.
Tong, Santiago
Lombeyda, Anil Hirani, and Mathieu Desbrun.
"Discrete Multiscale
Vector Field Decomposition". In ACM Trans. on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH), pages 445-452, July 2003.
Kanso, Marino Arroyo, Yiying Tong, Arash Yavari, Jerrold E. Marsden, and
Mathieu Desbrun. "On the Geometric
Character of Stress in Continuum Mechanics " .
Z. angew. Math.
Phys. 58 (2007) 1-14
Elcott, Yiying Tong, Eva Kanso, Peter Schröder, and Mathieu Desbrun.
Circulation-Preserving, Simplicial Fluids". In ACM Trans. On
Graphics (Jan 2007)
Lee, Yiying Tong, and Mathieu Desbrun. "Geodesics-based
One-to-One Parameterization of 3D Triangle Meshes". IEEE Multimedia,
12(1):27-33, 2005.
Refereed Conference Papers
A Hou, Z Zhang, M Sarkis, N Bi, Y Tong, X Liu
Towards High Fidelity Face Relighting with Realistic Shadows"
CVPR 2021
Joseph Roth, Yiying Tong, Xiaoming Liu
Adaptive 3D Face Reconstruction from Unconstrained Photo Collections"
Proc. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2016)
J Roth, Y Tong, X Liu
Unconstrained 3D face reconstruction"
Proceedings of the IEEE CVPR 2015
Jeffrey R. Van Voorst, Yiying Tong, and
Leslie A. Kuhn. "ArtSurf: a method for deformable
partial matching of protein small-molecule binding sites." In ACM
International Conference on
Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine, 2012.
Xin Feng, Yuanzhen Wang, Yanlin Weng, and
Yiying Tong. "Compact combinatorial maps in 3D" In Computational Visual
Media, 2012
Unsang Park, Yiying Tong, and Anil K.
Jain. Face recognition with temporal invariance: A 3D
aging model. In IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture
Recognition, 2008
Ari Stern and Yiying Tong and Mathieu Desbrun and Jerrold E. Marsden.
Integrators for Maxwell's Equations with Sources". Progress in
Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), 2008
Pierre Alliez, David Cohen-Steiner, Yiying Tong and Mathieu Desbrun. "Voronoibased Variational
Reconstruction for Unoriented Point Sets". Symposium on Geometry
Processing, 2007.
Ilya Eckstein, Jean-Philippe Pons, Yiying Tong, C.-C. Jay Kuo and Mathieu
Desbrun. "Generalized Surface Flows
for Mesh Processing". Symposium on Geometry Processing,2007.
Kai Ye, Kun Zhou, Zhigeng Pan, Yiying Tong, and
Baining Guo. "Low Distortion Shell Map Generation". IEEE Virtual
Reality 2007
Yiying Tong, Pierre Alliez, David Cohen-Steiner, and Mathieu Desbrun. "Designing Quadrangulations
with Discrete Harmonic Forms". Symposium on Geometry Processing, 2006.
Liliya Kharevych, Weiwei, Yiying Tong, Eva Kanso, Jerrold E. Marsden, Peter
Schröder, and Mathieu Desbrun. "Geometric, Variational
Integrators for Computer Animation". Symposium on Computer Animation,
Tutorials and Book Chapters |
F de Goes, M Desbrun, Y Tong
Vector field processing on triangle meshes"
ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Courses, 1-49, 2016
F de Goes, M Desbrun, Y Tong
Vector field processing on triangle meshes"
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Courses, 2015
A Stern, Y Tong, M Desbrun, JE Marsden
Geometric computational electrodynamics with variational integrators and discrete differential forms"
Geometry, mechanics, and dynamics, 437-475, 2015
BIOMAT 2012, 188-207
Mathieu Desbrun, Eva Kanso, and Yiying Tong.
"Discrete Differential
Forms for Computational Modeling", Chapter 7. ACM SIGGRAPH Course
Notes on Discrete Differential Geometry, 2005. Springer, 2008