SSS is an international forum for researchers and practitioners in the design and development of distributed systems with a focus on systems that are able to provide guarantees on their structure, performance, and/or security in the face of an adverse operational environment. The symposium encourages submissions of original contributions on fundamental research and practical applications concerning topics in the four symposium tracks:
Track A. Self-Stabilization Track B. Foundations of Concurrent and Distributed Computing Track C. Mobile and Robot Computing Track D. Fault tolerance, Security, and Privacy
All accepted papers will be published as proceedings of Springer LNCS series. Extended and revised versions of selected papers will be considered for a special issue of the journal Information and Computation.
The conference will be held virtually via zoom.
Meeting ID: 930 2169 0160
Passcode: Ask
Or, Answer the question below: Who wrote the famous paper about stabilizing token rings in 1974?
The proceedings are available at