Here are a few things you should know about CSE 231:
- For Fall Semester 2024, the course is hybrid (flipped classroom). Instead of a lecture, we have a series of reading assignments and pre-recorded follow along videos. The videos
supplement the text, that is, you need to read the text. Each week you will
- Read a chapter in the text.
- Watch videos that demonstrate techniques.
- Complete a pre-lab exercise in D2L.
- Complete online exercises (collaboratively).
- Complete a lab (collaboratively).
- Complete a programming project.
- Students in Sections 1-16 and CSE801C have a required in-person lab to attend (in STEM 1201, ground floor of the new STEM building).
- Read the Syllabus; it lays out the important details.
Here are highlights:
- Due Dates: you will have regular deadlines that count toward your final grade. See
Due Dates.
- Exams: There are three exams (two midterms and a final). All exams are in-person on-campus.
- Support:
Your first stop is Piazza ( where students can post questions
and get answers from a TA, the instructors, or other students. There is a daily help room staffed by TAs in STEM 1201 in the evening.
There are also office hours (flexible times) with the instructors.
- Required Text: The text is listed in the syllabus.
- Labs: Note the way we count labs toward your grade. They only count implicitly in that if you don't
do them, we reduce your final grade by a lot!
- Start here: (1) Start with our "course mechanics" video.
(2) Do Week 0 under Online Content.
Please send email if you have private questions (make sure to put CSE231 in the email subject). Otherwise, you should direct your questions to Piazza
Imen Zaabar:
Husain Khalifeh: