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Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Distributed Systems are often composed of geographically separated components, where the clocks may not be perfectly synchronized. As such verifying the correctness of such system properties are a major challenge and are of utmost importance. In this paper, we describe a centralized runtime monitoring technique for distributed system. First, we propose a generalized runtime verification technique for verifying partially synchronous distributed computations for the metric temporal logic (MTL) by exploiting bounded-skew clock synchronization. Second, we introduce a progression-based formula rewriting scheme for monitoring MTL specifications which employs SMT solving techniques and report experimental results. Third, we also quantify each event according to the possible time of occurrence and calculate the probabilistic guarantee for generating the verification verdict. Lastly, we have implemented the entire procedure and report on extensive synthetic experimental results using UPPAAL, a set of cross-chain transactions implemented on Ethereum and an Industrial Control System of a water treatment plant.