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Automated Conflict-free Distributed Implementation of Component-based Models

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IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES)
We propose a method for generating distributed implementations from high-level models expressed in terms of a set of components glued by rendezvous interactions. The method is a 2-phase transformation preserving all functional properties. The first phase is a source-to-source transformation from global state to a partial state model (to relax atomicity). This transformation replaces multi-party rendezvous interactions by send/receive primitives managed by a set of automatically generated distributed schedulers. These schedulers are conflict-free by construction in the sense that they do not require communication in order to safely execute interactions of the high-
level model. In the second phase, from the transformed model in phase one, we generate C++ distributed code using either TCP sockets or MPI to implement send/receive primitives. Our method is fully implemented in a tool for automatic generation of distributed applications. We present experimental results using different case studies.
Other Info.
Received the best paper award