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Anik Momtaz

Anik Momtaz
Ph.D. student (Graduated 2023)

I am Anik Momtaz, a PhD student here at Michigan State University, in pursuit of my doctoral degree offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. I transferred here from Iowa State University during Fall, 2020, along with my PhD advisor, Dr. Borzoo Bonakdarpour.

My field of research encompasses runtime monitoring and verification of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). As the use of CPS has observed rapid growth over the past decade, the importance of developing efficient methods to ascertain reliability of these systems, especially when safety-critical systems are concerned, is absolutely unquestionable.



Anik Momtaz, Niraj Basnet, Houssam Abbas, Borzoo Bonakdarpour, "Predicate Monitoring in Distributed Cyber-physical Systems" Springer Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Springer, 2023.   sttt23.pdf (1.05 MB)   
Anik Momtaz, Ramy Medhat, Borzoo Bonakdarpour, "Resource Optimization of Stream Processing in Layered Internet of Things" The 42nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), IEEE, 2023.   srds23.pdf (497.11 KB)   
Charles Koll, Anik Momtaz, Houssam Abbas, Borzoo Bonakdarpour, "Decentralized Predicate Detection over Partially Synchronous Continuous-Time Signals" International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV), Springer, 2023.   rv23.pdf (406.8 KB)   
Ritam Ganguly, Anik Momtaz, Borzoo Bonakdarpour, "Runtime Verification of Partially-Synchronous Distributed System" Springer Journal on Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD), , 2023.   fmsd23.pdf (694.03 KB)   
Anik Momtaz, Houssam Abbas, Borzoo Bonakdarpour, "Monitoring Signal Temporal Logic in Distributed Cyber-physical Systems" International Conference on Cyber-physical Systems, ACM, 2023.   iccps23.pdf (782.54 KB)   


Anik Momtaz, Niraj Basnet, Houssam Abbas, Borzoo Bonakdarpour, "Predicate Monitoring in Distributed Cyber-physical Systems" The 21st International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV), Springer, 2021.   rv21.pdf (573.81 KB)    [Received the Best Paper Award]


Ritam Ganguly, Anik Momtaz, Borzoo Bonakdarpour, "Monitoring Distributed Systems under Partial Synchrony" The 25th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), LIPICS, 2020.   opodis20.pdf (688.15 KB)