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News and Announcements

RV 2024

Prof. Bonakdarpour gives keynote at the RV 2024 Conference on Distributed Runtime Verification with
Imperfect Monitors: Challenges and Opportunities


Our paper on discovering actual causality in CPS using abstraction-refinement is accepted to EMSOFT 2024.


Prof. Bonakdarpour receives a new NSF FMitF grant to develop a bounded model checker for hyperproperties.


Congratulations to Oyendrila for successfully defending her PhD dissertation on Verification of Probabilistic Hyperproperties on Markov Models! He will join Amazon ARG. Wish her the best for her next chapter of endeavors!


Congratulations to Eshita Zaman for successfully defending her PhD dissertation.

CAV 2024

Our paper on automatically repairing infinite state software programs w.r.t. temporal hyperproperties is accepted to the CAV 2024 conference.

SRDS 2023

Prof. Bonakdarpour gives keynote at SRDS 2023 on fault-tolerant distributed runtime verification.

Borzoo Bonakdarpour

MSU’s Borzoo Bonakdarpour is working to make sure bugs in computer programs don’t end up leaking our secret information into the public.


Congratulations to Anik Momtaz for successfully defending his PhD dissertation on runtime verification of distributed cyber-physical systems! He will join MSU-CSE as a teaching specialist. Wish him the best for her next chapter of endeavors!


Congratulations to Ritam Ganguly for successfully defending his PhD dissertation on runtime verification of distributed systems! He will join MSU-CSE as a teaching specialist. Wish him the best for her next chapter of endeavors!


Prof. Bonakdarpour receives a new NSF EAGER grant to develop causal inference techniques using automated reasoning in medical sciences. This is a joint grant with Dr. Maryam Sayadi (MSU-BME) and Dr. Mohammad Ghasemi (MSU-CSE).


Prof. Bonakdarpour receives a new NSF SaTC grant to study runtime enforcement of information-security policies.


Borzoo Bonakdarpour selected by students to receive 2023 Teaching Excellence Award.


Prof. Bonakdarpour's article on fault-tolerant distributed runtime verification is among the selected 8 papers by the Journal of the ACM in 2022.

ICCPS 2023

Our paper on a new runtime monitoring algorithm technique for distributed cyber-physical systems is accepted at ICCPS 2023.


Two papers on bounded model checking techniques for hyperproperties accepted in TACAS 2023. These papers focus on (1) asynchronous hyperproperties, where related executions advance with different speeds, and (2) loop conditions for building completeness results.

ICDCS 2022

Our paper on runtime verification of blockchain/cross-chain protocol using the metric temporal logic accepted to the IEEE ICDCS 2022 conference.

NFM 2022

Our paper on probabilistic hyperproperties with rewards is accepted by the 2022 NASA Formal Methods Conference


TART PhD students Tzu-Han Hsu and Oyendrila Dobe will join Amazon AWS for summer internships.

Best Paper Award

TART members Prof. Bonakdarpour and PhD student Anik Momtaz receive the Best Paper Award from the RV 2021 conference.


TART PhD student Tzu-Han Hsu gets nominated by MSU as one of the only 4 PhD students for Google PhD Fellowships.

RV 2021

Our paper on predicate detection in distributed CPS is accepted to the Runtime Verification conference.

FM 2021

Our paper on our tool HyperProb, a model checker for probabilistic hyperproperties, is accepted to the Formal Methods (FM) conference.

CSF 2022

Our paper on an mapping synthesis for hyperproperties accepted at IEEE the Computer Security Foundations (CSF) 2022 conference.

NSF grant

Prof. Borzoo Bonakdarpour receives an NSF grant from the Software-Hardware Foundations program to develop runtime monitoring techniques for edge applications. Examples such applications include network of wearables and unmanned aerial vehicles.

CAV 2021

Our paper on an asynchronous semantics for the temporal logic HyperLTL accepted at CAV 2021.