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Welcome to the Trustworthy and Reliable Technologies Lab (TART)


The Trustworthy and Reliable Technologies Research Laboratory at Michigan State University conducts world-class and cutting edge research on the broad areas of dependability, trust, and reliability. The group is particularly interested in the application of formal reasoning in following areas. We bring together expertise from computer engineering and science fields to study the interaction between the mathematical and automated reasoning with other real-world applications of computing.

Our research focus is on development of reliable and trustworthy system design methodologies in particular areas of (1) security & privacy, (2) cyber-physical systems, and (3) distributed systems. Our long-term vision is to integrate system modelinganalysis and automated reasoning into design and validation of procedures that reliability and trustworthiness.

Join the Lab

We are looking for PhD students and postdocs with interests and expertise in formal methods, security & privacy, distributed systems, control theory, robotics, IoT, and cyber-physical systems!

News and Announcements

RV 2024

Prof. Bonakdarpour gives keynote at the RV 2024 Conference on Distributed Runtime Verification with
Imperfect Monitors: Challenges and Opportunities


Our paper on discovering actual causality in CPS using abstraction-refinement is accepted to EMSOFT 2024.


Prof. Bonakdarpour receives a new NSF FMitF grant to develop a bounded model checker for hyperproperties.


Congratulations to Oyendrila for successfully defending her PhD dissertation on Verification of Probabilistic Hyperproperties on Markov Models! He will join Amazon ARG. Wish her the best for her next chapter of endeavors!


Congratulations to Eshita Zaman for successfully defending her PhD dissertation.


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