Jiliang Tang– Fundings (20+ millions from federal and 1+
million from industry)
Current Fundings
Graph Foundation Models, Meta, 2024-2026
The International Research Center for Enhancing Plant Resilience, NSF, 2024-2029
Interactive, Individualized Professional Learning for Elementary School Teachers: Enhancing Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a Basis for Improving Practice, NSF, 2024-2029
AI-Enabled Efficient Testing and Evaluation for RU, DU and CU Components of 5G Radio Access Networks, US Dept of Commerce, 2023-2027
Intelligent, Adaptive Program with Just-in-time Feedback for Preservice Teachers, NSF, 2023-2027
Safeguarding Next-Generation Emergency Services (NG-9-1-1) over Cellular Networks: From Design to Practice, NSF, 2023-2026
Computation and Communication Efficient Distributed Learning, NSF, 2022-2026
Graph Neural Networks for Heterophilous Data: Advancing the Theory, Models, and Applications, NSF, 2022-2026
MSU Foundation Professor Fund, MSU, 2022-2027
TRTech-PGR: Connecting sequences to functions within and between species through computational modeling and experimental studies, NSF, 2021-2025
TRTech-PGR: Maize Hub: An Open-source Simulation Platform and Resources integrating extensive field trial data, DNA sequences, and historical weather records, NSF, 2021-2025
Toward Interpretable and Stable Graph Neural Networks, ARO, 2021-2024
Completed Fundings
Graph Neural Networks for Link Prediction, SNAP, 2023-2024
Singed Networks: Modeling, Measuring, and Mining, NSF, 2019-2024
Intelligent Social Network Interventions to Augment Human Cognition for Interdisciplinary Interactions in Project Teams, NSF, 2019-2023
Amazon Faculty Award, Amazon, 2022-2023
Student Activities Support at 2022 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), NSF, 2022-2024
Graph Neural Networks for Single-cell Analysis, Johnson&Johnson, 2022-2023
JP Morgan Faculty Award, JP Morgan, 2023-2024
Amazon Faculty Award, Amazon, 2023-2024
Personalized Recommendations, Home Depot, 2023-2024
Side-channel Attacks Against Mobile Users: Singularity Detection, Behavior Identification, and Automated Rectification, NSF, 2018-2022
Graph Neural Networks for Recommendation, The Home Depot, 2021-2022
Knoweldge Graph Completion, Katana Graph, 2021-2022
Cisco Faculty Award, Cisco System Inc, 2021-2022
Towards Scalable and Interpretable Graph Neural Networks, NSF, 2020-2022
Graph Rewriting for Graph Representation Learning, SNAP Inc, 2020-2022
Effective Labeled Data Generation via Generative Adversarial Learning, NSF, 2019-2022
Teachers in Social Media, MSU CBSA, 2020-2021
Sequential Learning with Side Information, NEC American Labs, 2019-2021
Reducing cardinality of solutions from a Hyper-Pareto front: Merging a grand tour with anomaly detection techniques in real-time, Living PlanIT, 2018-2021
Unsupervised Feature Selection in the Era of Big Data, NSF, 2017-2021
Rapid Construction of Heterogeneous Models, DARPA, 2018-2020
Machine Learning for Ordering, Ford, 2018-2020
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Advertising, Criteo Lab, 2018-2020
Semantic Entity Matching Phase II, MSU Business Center, 2019-2020
\#Cloud2Class: Exploring the Disruption and Reorganization of Educational Resources in the Age of Social Media, the American Educational Research Association, 2018-2019
Semantic Entity Matching Phase I, MSU Business Center, 2018-2019
A General Feature Learning Framework for Dynamic Attributed Networks, NSF, 2017-2020
Student Activities Support at 2017 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), NSF, 2017-2019
Conflict of Interest Editing in Wikipedia, MSU CBSA, 2017-2018
Using Big Data to Detect Counterfeit Products, MSU CBSA, 2017-2018
Understanding the Temporal and Structural Dynamics of Emotion toward Emerging Diseases, MSU Trifecta, 2016-2017