
Papers are to be submitted electronically through EasyChair:
All submission must conform to the formatting instructions of Springer LNCS series
Each submission must be in English, in PDF format.

We will experiment the double-blind peer review in SSS 2020. All submissions must be anonymous. We will use a somewhat relaxed implementation of double-blind peer review this year: you are free to disseminate your work through arXiv and other online repositories and give presentations on your work as usual. However, please make sure you do not mention your own name or affiliation in the submission, and please do not include obvious references in the text that reveal your identity. A reviewer who has not previously seen the paper should be able to read it without accidentally learning the identity of the authors. Please feel free to ask the PC chairs if you have any questions about the double-blind policy of SSS 2020.
There are two types of submission: regular paper and brief announcement.
- A regular submission must not exceed 15 pages (including the title, authors, abstract, figures, and references). Additional necessary details for an expert to verify the main claims of the submission may be included in a clearly marked appendix if extra space is needed.
- A brief announcement submission must not exceed 5 pages and should not include any appendix.

Any submission deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of its merits. It is recommended that a regular submission begins with a succinct statement of the problem being addressed, a summary of the main results or conclusions, a brief explanation of their significance, a brief statement of the key ideas, and a comparison with related work, all tailored to a non-specialist. Technical development of the work, directed to the specialist, should follow. Papers outside of the conference scope will be rejected without review. If requested by the authors on the cover page, a regular submission that is not selected for a regular presentation will also be considered for the brief announcement format. This will not affect consideration of the paper for a regular presentation.

Authors should consult Springer's authors' guidelines   and use their proceedings templates, either for  LaTeX or for Word , for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs  in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.