A good place to start for help is Piazza.com.

TAs for Section 730 students (check D2L to know which one is your TA):

Alex Stornant (730-1)

Email: storna10@msu.edu

Abdullah Baqai (730-2)

Email: baqaimuh@msu.edu

Doruk Alp Mutlu (730-3)

Email: mutludor@msu.edu

Morghane McAnelly (730-4 )

Email: mcanell6@msu.edu

Maria Khalilova (730-5)

Email: khalilo1@msu.edu

Shaheer Khan (730-6)

Email: khansh11@msu.edu

Sehaj Gupta (730-7)

Email: guptaseh@msu.edu

Shlomi Zilberman (730-8)

Email: zilberm4@msu.edu